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Yoga for Menopause Mini Retreat and Wellbeing Day 

Location and Date TBC for 2023/24




A day retreat of discovering how Yoga can help alleviate the symptoms of Menopause.


I am so thrilled to be bringing this to my schedule for you.


This retreat day is for any woman going through Peri - menopause, Menopause or Post menopause.


The day will begin with a womens sharing circle, discussing symptoms, triggers and how Yoga, alternative remedies, breathing techniques, essential oils and prescriptive medications can help.


Information on Ayurveda and how  this can help our menopause yoga practice.


A strong morning flow class


A beautifully prepared vegetarian lunch


An afternoon restorative yoga class


Afternoon tea with home made goodies


Yoga Nidra and Visualisation practice


Qi Gong


A final closing circle


There will be the opportunity to  share and talk confidentially within a small group of like minded women on the same journey.


Please bring a journal to write in and warm clothes if required for the Yoga Nidra practice, although, blankets and props will all be provided for your comfort.






£105 - Early bird price 





 Long Weekend Retreat

A 3 day retreat of  Meditation, Restorative, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga

Location: Devon, U.K

Dates and details to follow for 2023/24

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